Phill Conrad's Webapp Tutorial Collection
- Bower—A general Package Manger for web app components
- Browserify—Package up npm modules into a js file you can include on client side web page
- canvas element—HTML5 element for in-browser graphics
- Documentation—Tools for generating API documentation (similar to javadoc)
- End-to-End Testing—Testing webapps end-to-end, with Selenium, for example
- Flask—Making Python-based web apps with Flask
- Freemarker—A Java based template engine often used with Spring Boot and SparkJava
- Github API—Accessing github resources from webapps
- Google Calendar—Tips for embedding and working with Google Calendar
- Google Maps—Tips for embedding Google Maps in your Webapp
- Google Sites—Working with Google Sites as a hosting platform
- Heroku—Cloud based deployment for Node,Rails,Python,Java webapps
- Heroku: Deploy button—Setting up a button on a github repo to automatically deploy an app to Heroku
- HTTP: Beyond GET and POST—What else is there, and why do I care?
- Image Galleries—Software to implement image galleries on your website
- JavaScript—Getting Started with Learning JavaScript
- Jekyll on Travis-CI—Setting up a Jekyll site on Travis-CI (so you can see the error messages)
- Jekyll—Creating web sites (like this one) on github-pages using Markdown
- Jekyll: On Heroku—Setting up a Jekyll site on Heroku (backup to Github Pages, use add-ons)
- Jekyll: pandoc conversion—Using pandoc to convert material in other formats to Jekyll Markdown
- JQuery—A library that makes JavaScript easier to use.
- Maps—Working with Maps in Webapps
- Meta Tags—helping your site fit in better with the rest of the internet
- MongoDB—A NoSQL database
- MongoDB: Java—Accessing MongoDB via Java
- MongoDB: MLab—A specific cloud provider of MongoDB services
- MongoDB: MLab Database Creation—Setting up a new database
- MongoDB: MLab Databases, Users and Collections—Next steps after creating a database
- MongoDB: Python—Accessing MongoDB via Python
- MongoDB: Spring Boot (Java)—Accessing MongoDB via Spring Boot
- Node—Making web apps using server-side JavaScript using node.js
- Node: MacOS—Installing and working with Node, npm, nvm on MacOS
- OAuth—The way we implement 'login with Facebook', 'login with Google', etc.
- OAuth: github—Client Credential Setup for Github, Scopes
- Overview—An overview of things a web developer needs to know about
- Paged Media—When you want to write HTML, but print the result on paper
- Play—Java and Scala web application framework
- Postgres—An SQL Database implementation supported on Heroku (alternative to sqlite3 and MySQL
- Postgres: MacOS—Troubleshooting for MacOS Postgres Issues
- Python—Python web app frameworks (Flask, Django, Pyramid)
- Rails—Developing web apps in Ruby on Rails
- Rails: authorization—Adding login/logout, roles and authorizations
- Rails: csv—Working with csv files
- Rails: documentation—ri and rdoc
- Rails: github—Using Octokit to integrate with github
- Rails: heroku—Deploying rails apps on Heroku
- Rails: rvm—Ruby Version Manager
- Rails: secrets—Keeping passwords, oauth client ids, etc. out of your github repo
- Rails: testing—TDD, BDD, Rspec, Capybara, FactoryGirl, etc.
- Rails: tutorials—A collection of useful tutorials
- React—JavaScript framework for views
- Reddit API—Tips on using the Reddit API
- Responsive—Making web sites look good on both desktop on mobile
- REST: Representational State Transfer—As in RESTful APIs, and all that.
- Security—Web application vulnerabilities and how to protect against them
- Security: CSRF—Cross Site Request Forgeries, and how to protect against them
- Selenium—Automating a web browser for testing and/or scraping
- Slack—Integrating your web app with Slack
- SparkJava—A minimalist framework for Java Web Apps
- SparkJava: Authentication—login/logout, and securing various pages in your app
- SparkJava: Bootstrap—Adding a nicer looking UI, with common navigation, drop down menus, etc.
- SparkJava: Facebook API—Authenticate with Facebook, then access the Facebook API
- SparkJava: Getting Started—A more clear tutorial
- SparkJava: Github API—Authenticate with Github, then access the Github API
- SparkJava: Image Files—and any other static files your application needs
- SparkJava: MongoDB—Using the NoSQL database MongoDB with SparkJava
- SparkJava: pac4j—Securing a SparkJava webapp, with options for OAuth or LDAP
- SparkJava: RESTful APIs—Creating RESTful APIs with SparkJava
- SparkJava: SLF4J—What is the Simple Logging Framework For Java, and how to configure it
- SparkJava: Templates—The various template engines you can use with SparkJava
- Spring Boot—Yet another Java web framework
- Spring Boot: Ajax—Communicating between front-end JavaScript and backend Java using XMLHTTP requests
- Spring Boot: Annotations—The various things starting with @ that are particular to Spring and Spring Boot
- Spring Boot: Command Line—A Command Line program within the Spring Boot framework
- Spring Boot: Configuration—The src/resources/application.yml file, and how to fix 'Could not resolve placeholder ${salt}' type errors
- Spring Boot: Controllers—The component where you map routes to the model and view
- Spring Boot: Example Projects—Links to various Spring Boot Projects of interest
- Spring Boot: Heroku—Running Spring Boot Applications On Heroku
- Spring Boot: HTTPS—Enabling HTTPS
- Spring Boot: Logging—How to handle logging in Spring Boot
- Spring Boot: main—What the main program looks like in a Spring Boot Application
- Spring Boot: OAuth—Social login with Spring Boot
- Spring Boot: Starter Parent—What does the `parent` section in the pom.xml do?
- Static Analysis—Automated code review bots
- Thymeleaf—Template engine for Java, commonly used with Spring Boot
- Travis-CI—Continuous Integration for your webapp
- Web Pages vs. Web Apps—Static web pages (HTML/CSS) vs. Dynamic Pages (client/server side code)
Site by: pconrad at